Women Inventors and Innovators Virtual Exhibit and Mural: NextNow Collab Project Visualizes Complex History to Illuminate the Contributions of Women

The focus of the Women Inventors and Innovators Mural is subtle, powerful and essential for our evolutionary times.  Through illuminating the drivers of success and resilience that have enabled women to help change the world over the last 100-plus years–often against great odds–our goal is to help accelerate the necessary shift to a more balanced and equitable world, furthering innovation important for meaningful societal advancement and planetary wellness. This project of the NextNow Collaboratory leverages our hallmark approach to complex problems:  Making the Invisible Visible™ through the visualization of complex information via large murals that show events and ideas in a single big picture, enabling us to perceive key…

Physicists Say Consciousness Should Be Considered A State of Matter: The “Non Physical” Is Real (CE Reprint)

ARJUN WALIAOCTOBER 28, 2016 “Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking in the radio for the announcer.” –Nassim Haramein, director of research for the Resonance Project It’s been more than one hundred years since Max Planck, the theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics, said that he regards “consciousness as fundamental,”  that he regards “matter as a derivative from consciousness,” and that “everything we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” He is basically saying that the immaterial ‘substance’ of consciousness is directly intertwined with what we perceive to…

The Unstoppable Momentum of Natural Forces

Institute of Noetic Sciences blog post by Claudia Welss on COP21 and Subtle Activism: The Unstoppable Momentum of Natural Forces 9 December 2015 By: Claudia Welss, IONS board of directors, Global Coherence Initiative Steering Committee, Gaiafield Project Council   Twenty years ago I was distributing research by the Union of Concerned Scientists to global executives of major corporations as director of executive education at the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley, trying to get their attention and hoping to influence their policies. The research concluded we had twenty years before Earth and humanity reached a climate tipping point, beyond which there was no…

The New Science of Remote Causation

NNC is one of the original supporters of this continuing campaign/experiment at Burning Man to determine if something real is being measured…. I Controlled a Huge Freakin’ Laser With My Mind!  The New Science of Remote Causation by Tam Hunt, UC Santa Barbara Reprinted from the Santa Barbara Independent Journal, Wednesday, March 27, 201 I contrive no hypotheses. ~ Isaac Newton, discussing gravity in Principia Mathematica Isaac Newton, perhaps the greatest scientist who ever lived, did of course make many hypotheses about gravity. In fact, he developed an incredibly profound general theory of gravity that united such seemingly different phenomena as a falling apple and the circling of the…

THRIVE Movie Premiers 11.11.11

Thanks to NextNowers Vic Desotelle and Bill Daul for circulating to our NextNowNetwork community.  The website is interesting. “My name is Foster Gamble and I’ve spent nearly a lifetime trying to figure out what happened that could account for the staggering agony and deprivation on this planet.  I set out on a journey seeking to answer questions like, is it even possible for humans to thrive?  I found a code, a pattern in nature, that’s been embedded in arts and icons throughout the centuries.  Truth hidden.”

100-Year Starship Study Blasts Off 1/11/11

NextNower Claudia Welss attended the inaugural meeting of the DARPA/NASA 100-Year Starship Study held January 11th and 12th at Cavallo Point in Sausalito, CA.  She joined a fascinating mixture of space-savvy individuals grappling with the technological and socio-political Whys, Whats and Hows of an ambitious yet achievable goal:  developing the business case for an enduring organization designed to incentivize breakthrough technologies over generations, enabling long-distance manned spaceflight within 100 years.  Follow early developments at http://100yearstarshipstudy.com/ DARPA/NASA SEEK TO INSPIRE MULTIGENERATIONAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT October 28, 2010 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Throughout history technical challenges have inspired…

Collective Reality Transmission Experiment Starts Tonight

First Synchronized Event 11:11 EST tonight, 11/11/10 In the categories of “interesting (if unscientifically conducted) experiment” and “nothing to lose”, and in the interests of our mission, Making the Invisible Visible, consider joining me. The New Reality Group is merely a group of friends who are physicists and mathematicians that believe our very own consciousness defines our reality. But it’s not important who we are – just think of us as the people trying to organize a group effort for change and we’re happy to have your participation. Change your thoughts, change your world! New Reality Transmission Facebook Page

Second Global Coherence Initiative Sensor Site Installed in Saudi Arabia

Global Coherence Initiative is a NextNowCollab collaboration.  The news about the Saudi Arabia site is a major development for the project, and we’re excited to reprint it here.  For more information, contact Claudia Welss, GCI Steering Committee and Director of Strategic Partnerships: claudia(at)glcoherence.org. This past week marked an important milestone for the Global Coherence Initiative, having successfully installed a second GCI Monitoring System Site. GCI Director of Research Rollin McCraty just returned from overseeing the construction of the new sensor site, located near Hofuf in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia–on the opposite side of the planet from our first sensor…

Beingness-In-Action: New NextNower Blog Post on IONS “Noetic Now”

NextNower and Institute of Noetic Sciences external research faculty member Claudia Welss wrote this post in the new Noetic Now blog. (It seems lately almost EVERYTHING has either NOW or NEXT in its name, but Claudia named our network NEXTNOW back in 2003.) Other bloggers include Marilyn Schlitz, Dean Radin, Larry Dossey, and Peter Russell. “Have you ever heard someone say, “Hey, if we blow ourselves up/melt ourselves down and become extinct, the planet will finally be able to heal itself, so no big loss.” I’ve heard people express that opinion—some out of compassion for an Earth being destroyed by…

Save the Date: NextNow Collab Presents VISIONS OF A UNIVERSAL HUMANITY Berkeley Premiere at the David Brower Center January 13, 2010 (Updated)

Revealing a Positive Future for Humanity Full of Infinite Possibilities For Immediate Release: “Visions of a Universal Humanity” featuring social innovator and luminary Barbara Marx Hubbard will be presented by the NextNow Collaboratory at the David Brower Center in a One Night Only Berkeley premiere to benefit the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. A post-screening Q & A and discussion with Barbara Marx Hubbard will be followed by a wine and cheese reception. WHEN: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 – 6:30pm WHERE: Goldman Theatre and Hazel Wolf Gallery, David Brower Center, 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley TICKETS: $15 includes movie and reception.  Pre-purchase…